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Using OneNote for our
Teacher Appraisal System

Part 1 - Development of the System

After using the OneNote Class Notebook Creator to develop our student’s e-portfolio system we decided to use OneNote for our Teacher Appraisal System.

The obvious choice to set this up was to use the OneNote Staff Notebook Creator.

We had already been reviewing our appraisal system as it had become too bulky, too much superfluous stuff in it and a chore for teachers. A new slim line model was developed. After a number of staff meetings, senior management meetings we came up with ideas that we initially wanted to go into the appraisal system

We used the OneNote Staff Notebook Creator to create the notebooks for all teachers. Here we came across our first problem!!

I could not add my own name into the group of teachers for whom I was using the creator to create notebooks for.

You can't put yourself into the staff list

This is unfortunate as although I set the system up, I still need to be part of the system and my document needs to be available for my appraiser to view and comment on if necessary.

Because all of the teachers notebooks will be viewed by the Principal and the second Deputy Principal,  and they both needed the rights to be able to change and adapt the system, I tried to make them both co-owners. Unfortunately this can’t be done if their name is in the list of notebooks. 

Cannot add persons who are already staff member. Please delete and try again:

As a consequence I had to remove the other Deputy Principal from notebooks so she could be a co-owner as well. Not an easy task!! However thanks to a helpful video from Darryl Webster  I was able to do this.

All fine, except the two Deputy Principals were not able to be part of the Lyall Bay School Onenote Appraisal System.  A separate notebook for each of us!!

We decided that we would keep the Collaboration Pages and the Content Library. The collaboration pages are just that. There are viewable to all members, and are spaces where teachers can add, edit, comment on.

The Content Library is read only to all but the co-owners. This is where we have put documents that’s all can view, but cannot change or comment on. They can be copied into individual notebooks.

Into this area to date we have :

Dates and Deadlines, Observation Masters, Code of Ethics, RCT Matrices

Into the Teacher area we have put the following sections

Personal Details - Teachers are free to enter their own details here. We have not been too prescriptive as to what should be there. Some teachers have used this area to put in full details, teacher registration information, photographs etc. Other teachers have few personal details

Registered Teacher Criteria -This is a one-page matrix with 3 columns

The 12 criteria

The Key Indicators


Teachers are able to put links to documents in the evidence columns.

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Professional Development

Teachers are able to use this space to record their professional development and offer reflections which are linked to their OneDrive, etc

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Classroom Observations

Appraisers record their observations using the observation forms and guidelines as saved in the Content Library

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Teaching as Inquiry

The Teaching as Inquiry Section currently contains 3 pages, but will develop as teachers continue to update their Notebooks –

                Inquiry Cycle, Goal, Action Plan and Reflection

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Artefacts to show evidence can be stored here – photos, documents, further links etc


Any resources that the teachers want to store in the notebook as opposed to storing in their OneDrive